Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Avonworth School District. We appreciate the help and support we receive from our volunteers.
All ASD volunteers are required to have their clearances on file with the district prior to volunteering. Clearances must be within five years in order to be accepted. After five years, clearances will have to be renewed.
Please ensure you have proper identification with you at all times while volunteering at our schools.
Thank you again for your support of our students and our schools!
Volunteer Requirements
According to Act 153, as of July 1, 2015, the following clearances and documentation are required for school volunteers. Potential volunteers must submit all required documentation to a building principal or district representative prior go the commencement of any volunteer activities. It is highly recommended that volunteers also retain a copy of their clearances for future use. Upon verifying the clearances and required documentation, the school or district representative will enter the information in the Volunteer Database (TMX). Additional information can be found on the Avonworth School District website. Please submit this checklist/application with your clearances and signed disclosure statement form.
If you have been a continuous resident of Pennsylvania for the past 10 years, you must submit the following four items:
Pennsylvania State Police Clearance
Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance
Signed Disclosure Statement
Completed Volunteer Clearance Checklist/Application
If you have NOT been a continuous resident of Pennsylvania for the past 10 years, you must submit the following four items:
Pennsylvania State Police Clearance
Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) report (fingerprinting) - Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE)
Completed Volunteer Clearance Checklist/Application
Visit Avonworth's BoardDocs site to view ASD Policy #916 -- Volunteers.
Submitting Clearances
All school volunteer clearances will be submitted at once to your child's school office or the athletic department, depending on where you plan to volunteer.
If you have clearances and they have been obtained within the past 5 years, they are valid. You may submit and reuse valid clearances obtained for other purposes (coaching, church, etc.) to count as your school volunteer clearances.
Please submit clearances electronically to:
- Primary Center: Michelle Ralston, michelleralston@avonworth.k12.pa.us
- Elementary School: Stephani Machen, smachen@avonworth.k12.pa.us
- Middle School: Judi Bevilacqua, jubevilacqua@avonworth.k12.pa.us
- High School: Pam Robinson, probinson@avonworth.k12.pa.us
- Athletics: Melissa Klein, mkline@avonworth.k12.pa.us
Clearance Forms
- Act 34- PA State Police Request for Criminal Record Check
- Act 151-PA Child Abuse History Clearance
- Act 114 – Federal FBI Fingerprint Clearance
- Volunteer Clearance Checklist & Application
- Volunteer Clearance Disclosure Statement