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Personal Pathways

Students must begin career and college preparation during high school to prepare for the needs of today’s global workforce and to find a passion that inspires each of them. Today’s employers demand a new set of skills from graduates entering a dynamic, competitive marketplace. A pathway model exposes students to jobs that will match their skills and areas of interest and empowers them to emerge as future leaders and problem-solvers through project-based learning activities in the core curriculum and in their elective choices. 

Additional information can be found in the Personal Pathways Handbook here.

What are Personal Pathways?

The Personal Pathways Program is a focused framework linking curricular choices with career and college readiness and are also referred to as career academies. Career academies have been widely adopted in the United States for over 40 years.  The aims of this structure are to blend disciplines and academic rigor with a curriculum spanning college-readiness and workplace knowledge and to engage students with relevant experiences in chosen careers or industries.  

 After their 9th grade year, students will have the option of selecting one of six career pathways to focus their elective choices and out-of-school experiences (job shadows, internships, apprenticeships, graduation project) to an area of their own interest.  Students may choose to take elective courses outside of their respective academies as well. 

Avonworth Personal Pathways 

  • Pathway for Innovative Arts & Communications 
  • Pathway for Business, Finance & Entrepreneurship 
  • Pathway for Health & Medicine 
  • Pathway for Public and International Relations 
  • Pathway for Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics  
  • Pathway for A.W. Beattie Career Center*

*The Avonworth Personal Pathways Program complement the career training offered at the A.W. Beattie Career Center that has programs for sports medicine, auto body repair, carpentry, veterinary tech, dentistry, computer systems technology, cosmetology, culinary, early childhood development, among others.