Homebound Instruction
An excerpt from the Special Education Standards of the Pennsylvania Department of Education, 1976 revision:
“Homebound Instruction is the provision of educational programs and services by the public schools in the home. The Homebound Instruction Program is provided to persons of school age who cannot attend any portion of the school day during the terms of physical or mental illness.”
To be eligible for homebound instruction, a student must anticipate an absence for a minimum of 3 weeks.
Please contact the school counselor to provide you with the required Physician’s Statement (P203) and the Physician Input form. A psychiatrist must sign a request for homebound instruction for reasons of mental illness. If a request for homebound instruction is made because of mental illness, we will need to determine if this student could be in need of emotional support/special education services.
The P203 is only good for a maximum of 90 calendar days or for the length of time specified by the physician.
- If a student needs to be on homebound instruction longer than 90 days, a new P203 will need to be signed by the physician/psychiatrist before the statement expires.
The new P203 will need to be in the Pupil Services Office two weeks before expiration in order to continue homebound instruction. Otherwise, there will be a disruption in service until the new P203 is received.
Pupil Services must receive the P203 before homebound instruction begins.
Teachers should not begin instruction of a student until the assistant superintendent gives final approval of the need for homebound instruction. Teachers need to be aware that five (5) hours per week of combined instruction should not be exceeded. Teachers providing homebound instruction will schedule instruction time when a parent/guardian or other adult is in the home. The instruction schedule will be established by joint agreement of the physician, parent/guardian, and homebound instructor. The classroom teacher will forward assignments, textbooks, and materials to the student as soon as possible after notification of the student’s confinement. The teacher will confer with the homebound instructor during tutoring to assess the needs and progress of the student. The homebound instructor will consult with the classroom teacher to gain an understanding of the material to be covered and make recommendations for grades. The question of credit being given for the work done in a homebound situation rest with the appropriate administrator. This determination will be made after input from the school counselor, classroom teachers, and homebound teacher.